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OCLC Support

File naming conventions (Fundamentals)

Find out how to name files to upload for data sync processing in WorldShare Collection Manager Fundamentals.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, please see File naming conventions.

Each file name must be unique and must include:

  • 7-digit data sync collection ID - Include as the first element of the file name, immediately followed by a period. This ensures that the file will be processed under the correct data sync collection.
  • OCLC institution symbol - Include as the second element of the file name, separated from the collection ID by a period.


  • A period should be used to separate distinct elements within a file name.
  • A valid 7-digit data sync collection ID must be included at the beginning of the file name and must be immediately followed by a period.
  • The OCLC institution symbol for which the file should be processed must be included as the second element of the file name and must be preceded and followed by a period.
  • Alphanumeric characters are allowed. Letters can be both upper and lower case.
    • MARC data files (Bib or LHR) should have the filename extension that corresponds with the datatype, for example .mrc or .xml
    • Non-MARC data files should have the filename extension .csv.
  • Control characters @, $, and # will be converted as follows:
    • @ will be replaced with _64
    • $ will be replaced with _36
    • # will be replaced with _35

Do not include

  • Periods, dashes, and/or underscores at the beginning of the file name
  • Spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters