Export non-Latin records

Discover how to export non-Latin records in Connexion client.

Selection options for exported data

Select the type and location of Latin script versus non-Latin script data in exported records:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the International tab.
  3. Under Export, select one of the following check boxes:
    • Include all data, with other scripts in 880 fields (default)
    • Include all data, with Latin script in 880 fields
    • Include Latin script only (deletes field 066 in record)
    • Include other scripts only
  4. When finished, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Close or press <Enter> to apply the settings and close the Options window.
    • Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window.

Select character set

Select a character set for exporting records

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the Export tab.
  3. Click Record Characteristics.
  4. Under Bibliographic Records, select one of the following from the Character Set list:
    • MARC-8 (default)
    • UTF-8 Unicode
  5. Click OK or press <Enter> to save your settings and close the window, or click Cancel to cancel changes. You are returned to the Export page in the Options window.

    When finished, click Close to close the Options window.

Select fields to delete from exported records

  1. In the Export Options tab (Tools > Options > Export), click Field Export Options.
  2. Under Fields to Delete, in the Bibliographic Records text field, enter tag numbers for fields you want to delete in exported bibliographic records. Separate tag numbers by a comma and a space, or use a hyphen to show a range (e.g., 910, 938-999).
  3. Repeat step 2 in the Authority Records text field if needed for exporting authority records.
  4. When finished, click OK or press <Enter> to save your settings and close the window, or click Cancel to cancel changes. You are returned to the Export page in the Options window.

    When finished, click Close to close the Options window.

Set warning before exporting records with parallel unlinked non-Latin script fields

If Latin script and non-Latin script parallel fields are not linked, display of the non- Latin script in records downloaded to your local system may be affected.

Set an option to get a warning when exporting before the client exports records with unlinked non-Latin script fields in Tools > Options > Export.

See Export bibliographic records for general instructions for exporting records.