Transliterate non-Latin records

Discover how to transliterate non-Latin records in Connexion client.

Transliterate Arabic

For existing Arabic records that contain only romanized data (Latin-script-equivalent representation of the Arabic script), the client provides two ways to automatically convert and add the equivalent romanized data:

Transliterate selected fields in a record

  1. Display a bibliographic, authority, or constant data record containing romanized data that describes Arabic language materials.
  2. Place the cursor in the field containing romanized data that you want to transliterate.
    Select multiple fields containing romanized data. If you select parts of fields, the client transliterates the entire field(s).
  3. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Edit > Transliterate > Arabic or press <Alt><E><T><A>.
    • Click Edit > Transliterate > Persian or press <Alt><E><T><P>.
    • Right-click the field and then click Transliterate > Arabic on the pop-up menu.
    • Right-click the field and then click Transliterate > Persian on the pop-up menu.

    See Results of transliteration and auto-transliteration for details.

 Note: Although you can transliterate into Arabic while working offline (you do not need to be logged on to the OCLC system), your workstation must have an Internet connection.

Auto-transliterate WorldCat records retrieved interactively

Alternatively, select an option to auto-transliterate romanized data in all WorldCat records you retrieve interactively when the records have the language code ARA but no field 066.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the International tab.
  3. Select one of the following check boxes:
    • Auto-transliterate Arabic records
    • Auto-transliterate Persian records

     Note: This option works for records that have the language code ara or per but no field 066.
  4. (Optional) Select fields to auto-transliterate:
    1. In the International window, select one of the following check boxes:
      • Auto-transliterate Arabic fields
      • Auto-transliterate Persian fields
    2. Click Choose Fields to open the Choose Fields to Auto-Transliterate window.
    3. Click to select or deselect check boxes next to fields 1XX through 8XX (X = any valid tag number). By default, fields 1XX through 8XX are selected.
    4. Click OK to save your settings or Cancel to cancel changes. You are returned to the International window.
  5. When finished, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Close or press <Enter> to apply the settings and close the Options window.
    • Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window.
    • Click Cancel to cancel changes.

    See Results of transliteration and auto-transliteration for details.

 Note: When you retrieve and display WorldCat records, the client marks any auto- transliterated fields with the symbol Auto-transliterated symbol.

Results of transliteration and auto-transliteration

The client:

 Caution: Transliteration handles the following characters incorrectly. Revise the characters manually.

Basis of transliteration

The client transliterates romanized data based on the rules for Arabic given in ALA-LC Romanization Tables.