Guidelines for contributing non-Latin script bibliographic records to WorldCat

Find guidelines for contributing non-Latin script bibliographic records to WorldCat using Connexion client.


Records added to WorldCat must meet MARC standards, whatever type of scripts you use to enter the data. You must catalog according to AACR2 practices. For implementing MARC standards in WorldCat records, see OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards.

For quick and easy reference, open a detailed Bibliographic Formats description of any MARC field directly from Connexion client:

Romanized data - If you provide romanized (Latin-script-equivalent) data, romanization should follow guidelines in the ALA - LC Romanization Tables.

How the client manages non-Latin script data in bibliographic records

For cataloging items in languages that use non-Latin scripts, you can create records that contain:

If you include both, the client provides (or you create) paired fields that have the same tag number. The top field of the pair is for non-Latin-script data followed by a field for the corresponding romanized data.

For machine-processing purposes, non-Latin script fields are stored internally in MARC format 880 fields.

How paired fields work:

Windows provides input languages for using non-Latin scripts

If the default language of your workstation is not the language you need for entering supported non-Latin scripts for cataloging or for variant name headings in authority records, or if you do not already have an input method for the language set up on your workstation, install input languages and methods in Windows.

Alternative RLIN21 keyboards - For information on alternative keyboards available for download for some scripts, see Install RLIN21 Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, or Latin keyboards.

The exact procedure in Windows for adding input languages and keyboards will vary, depending on your version of Windows.

When English is your default language and you install one or more other input languages, Windows automatically displays a language bar on the desktop for toggling through your input languages. You can also use the default Windows keystroke shortcut <Left Alt><Shift> to toggle through installed languages.

For information and help on setting up input languages and keyboards specifically for your version of Windows:

Please consult with your system administrator if you need help with installing input languages and keyboards.

Change the language of the client interface

The client prompts you to select an interface language when you open the client for the first time after installing or when you create a new user profile.

You can also change the language of the interface anytime by changing an option:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the International tab.
  3. In the Interface Language list, select one of the following available languages:
     Note: To display the Chinese, Japanese, or Korean interface, you must have an input method for the language installed on your workstation (see "Input methods for languages that use non-Latin scripts" below), or you must have a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language version of Windows.
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • English (default)
    • German
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Spanish
  4. When finished, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click OK to change to the language you selected and close the window.
    • Click Apply to change to the language you selected and keep the window open.
    • Click Cancel to close the window without changing the interface language.

Once the language has been changed: