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Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the GetNext100Records macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.GetNext100Records
Use to Open the next list of 100 records resulting from a search of:
  • Online bibliographic save file
  • Authority file
  • Online constant data file

     Note: Search results lists from these online files display 100 records at a time. 

Same as using the View > Navigate Records and Lists > Next 100 Records menu command.
Parameters None
Return values TRUE if the action is successful, or FALSE if not.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object
     Set CS = GetObject(“Connex.Client”)

     If CS.IsOnline = False Then
          CS.Logon ““, ““, ““
     End If

     CS.Search “AF”, “pn:William”

End Sub
What this example does
  • Logs on to Connexion if not already logged on, using the default authorization and password you selected in Tools > Options > Authorizations tab.
  • Searches the Authority File for the heading William. (The search retrieves more than 100 records.)
  • Gets the next (second set of) 100 records.