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Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the GetListItem macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.GetListItem (nListIdx)
Use to Open a record from the currently displayed list by specifying its order in the list by number.
Parameters For nListIdx, enter the number that represents the order of the record that you want to open in the list.
Comments The first record on the list is 1 (1-based index).
Return values TRUE if the action is successful, or FALSE if not.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object
     Set CS = GetObject(,“Connex.Client”)

     If CS.IsOnline = False Then
          CS.Logon ““, ““, ““
     End If

     If CS.Search(“WC”, “gon,wi,th,w”) > 0 Then
          CS.GetListItem 2
     End If
End Sub

What this example does
  • Logs on to Connexion if not already logged on, using the default authorization and password you selected in Tools > Options > Authorizations tab.
  • Searches WorldCat for the title Gone with the Wind.
  • If the search retrieves multiple records, opens the second item on the list (in this case, opens the second brief list on a group list).