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Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the QueryRecordStatus macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.QueryRecordStatus (sStatus, sReturnValue)
Use to Request the specified status of the current record.
  • For sStatus, enter the type of status* you want to know about (use uppercase).
  • Enter the parameter sReturnValue* to store the status of the current record for the specified status type.
*See the list of values for available status types below.
Return values TRUE if successful, or FALSE if not or if the current record does not support the status.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object Dim sValue As String
     Set CS = GetObject(,“Connex.Client”)

     If CS.IsOnline = False Then
          CS.Logon ““, ““, ““
     End If

     CS.Search “WC”, “#1”

     CS.QueryRecordStatus “LOCK”, sValue

     MsgBox sValue
     CS.QueryRecordStatus “NUM”, sValue

     MsgBox sValue

     CS.QueryRecordStatus “TOTAL”, sValue

     MsgBox sValue
End Sub
What this example does
  • Logs on to Connexion if not already logged on, using the default authorization and password you selected in Tools > Options > Authorizations tab.
  • Searches WorldCat for record number 1.
  • Requests and returns the lock status of the record.
  • Requests and returns the record's control number.
  • Requests and returns the total number of holdings for the record.


Available status types and values

Status type
(enter in uppercase)
Definition and type of record that supports the status Possible return values
NUM Control number
Bibliographic and authority
1 through 99999999
SAVE Online or local save file number
Bibliographic and authority
1 through 9999
VAL Validation status
Bibliographic and authority
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
UPD Update status
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
PRD Produce status
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
DELH Delete Holdings status
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
XPO Export status
Bibliographic and authority
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
LBL Label status
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
ADD Add to Authority File status
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
LOCK Lock status
Bibliographic and authority
y (yes), n (no)
RPL Replace status
Bibliographic and authority
c (completed), f (failed), r (ready), - (not set)
SOURCE Source of the record
Derived, Extracted, Imported, OCLC, URL, Workform
Bibliographic and authority
y (yes), n (no)
HELD Holding status
y (yes), n (no)
WORKFLOW Workflow status
Bibliographic and authority
Completes, In Process, In Review, New
Bibliographic and authority
My Status you entered in free text (limit: 40 characters, not case-sensitive)
TOTAL Total number of holdings
A number representing the total number of holdings