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Customize the spell checker dictionary

Find out how to customize the spell checker dictionary in Connexion client.


The spell checker dictionary contains words to skip (accept as correct) during spell checking. You can expand or otherwise customize the dictionary by adding, editing, or deleting words, or by changing the main language of the dictionary.

Add, edit, or delete words

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Spelling to view the Spelling tab.
  2. Under Dictionaries, click Edit User Dictionary. In the Edit User Dictionary window, the free-text edit box contains default words provided when you installed the software.
    Default words in the spell checker dictionary
    1910s 19th j
    1920s 1st k
    1930s 20th l
    1940s 2nd m
    1950s 3rd n
    1960s 4th o
    1970s 5th oclc
    1980s 6th p
    1990s 7th q
    10th 8th r
    11th 9th s
    12th AACR t
    13th AACR2 u
    14th b videorecording
    15th c w
    16th f y
    17th g z
    18th h  
  3. To add or edit words, use the free-text edit box to edit existing entries as you would in a text file.
    • When you add words:
      • Add the words anywhere in the list or to the top or bottom. The client alphabetizes the list when you close and re-open the Edit User Dictionary window.
      • Press <Enter> after adding an item. Make sure that each item in the dictionary is on a separate line.
  4. To delete a word, highlight it in the dictionary and press <Delete>. Click OK when you are finished deleting words.
  5. When finished, click OK to save your changes or Cancel to cancel changes. The window closes and you are returned to the Spelling tab.

Select the language of the main spell checker dictionary

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Spelling to view the Spelling tab.
  2. Under Dictionaries, select a language from the Main Dictionary Language drop-down list.
    • English (Canada)
    • English (Great Britain)
    • English (United States) (default)
  3. Click OK to close the Options window.