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Set general spell checker options

Find out how to skip certain types of words during spell checking in Connexion client.

To skip certain types of words during spell checking:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Spelling to view the Spelling tab.
  2. Click General Options. The General Spell Checker Options window opens.
  3. Select check boxes to select or deselect the following options:
    • Ignore capitalized words - Default: Deselected; checks capitalized words
    • Ignore words in uppercase - Default: Deselected; checks words in all uppercase
    • Ignore words with numbers - Default: Deselected; checks words with numbers (for example, Win2000)
    • Ignore domain names - Default: Selected; ignores domain names (for example, www.oclc.org)
  4. Click OK to confirm your changes or Cancel to cancel your changes. The window closes and you are returned to the Spelling tab.
  5. When finished, perform one of the following actions:
    1. Click OK or press <Enter> to apply your changes and close the window.
    2. Click Cancel to cancel changes without closing the window.