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Pre-set options versus required option settings

Discover required and optional settings in Connexion client.

For the most part, after you install the Connexion client, you can log on to Connexion and start working immediately.

In some cases, you must select or enter certain settings before using some features of the client as some settings are required for specific features. For example, you must set:

  • A default logon authorization for batch processing.
  • An export destination before exporting records.


Setting   Description
Default authorization/password Optional For logging on for online cataloging. The alternative to setting a default authorization is to enter an authorization/password each time you log on. To set a general-use default, navigate to Tools > Options > Authorizations.
Required For logging on for batch processing. Either enter a default general-use authorization (Tools > Options > Authorizations) or enter an authorization for each local file you use for batch processing (File > Local File Manager > Authorization).
Required If you select a client action to start automatically when you open the client (Tools > Options > General, Startup Options). You can use general default or local file default authorization.
Export destination Required If you export records to your local system from the online system. To enter, navigate to Tools > Options > Export.
Holding library code, institution symbol, and (for NACO participants) MARC organization code Required For offline cataloging, if you want to create bibliographic and/or authority records while offline. Navigate to Tools > Options > General, and then click Offline Cataloging to enter your information.
Batch delete holdings Required Settings in Tools > Options > Batch to successfully complete batch delete holdings actions.

Select the Delete attached LHRs when Deleting Holdings check box.
RDA cataloging Required Settings in Tools > Options > RDA.

To view RDA field descriptions from displayed records, select the Enable the RDA Toolkit check box and enter your user name and password.

 Note: You must be a subscriber to RDA Toolkit to use this feature. See RDA Toolkit for more information.

Select separate check boxes to use RDA workforms (instead of the default AACR2 workforms) to create new bibliographic and/or new authority records and bibliographic/authority constant data records.

See Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA for more information.
Print labels or export records via batch processing Required Settings in Tools > Options > Batch.

Under Perform local actions in batch, select or clear the following check boxes:
  • Bibliographic Record Export
  • Label Printing
  • Authority Record Export

When the check boxes are cleared, label printing and record export occur immediately whether you are logged on or offline.

When the check boxes are selected, records are marked for batch processing (local file records only).