Default authorization for batch processing using local save file

Find out how to assign an authorization for batch processing using a local save file in Connexion client.


 Note: You must define an authorization for batch processing local files in Connexion client.

To run batch processing, you must either define:

If you enter an authorization/password for a local file:

If you do not enter an authorization/password for a local file, the client uses the default authorization/password you set in Tools > Options > Authorizations, when you log on or run batch processing using the file.

Assign an authorization/password to a local file

 Note: Batch processing is unavailable for local constant data files.

  1. Navigate to File > Local File Manager or press <Alt><F><F>.
  2. In the Files list, click the name of the local save file to which you want to assign an authorization/password, and then click Authorization.
  3. In the Assign Authorization and Password window, enter an authorization and a password.
    Delete any authorization/password you entered for the file and leave the boxes empty if you want the client to use your default authorization and password in Tools > Options > Authorizations.

    Default: Authorization and password are blank. The client uses your default authorization/password in Tools > Options > Authorizations for interactive or batch logon for the selected file.
  4. When you are finished, perform one of the following actions:
    1. Click OK to assign the authorization/password to the file.
    2. Click Cancel to cancel assigning it.

Once an authorization/password has been assigned: