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Install a RLIN21 keyboard

Find out how to install a RLIN21 keyboard in Connexion client.


  • You must have local administrator rights for your workstation to download and install the RLIN21 keyboards.
  • After installing, you must make an installed keyboard available on your workstation (i.e., select it under the English (United States) input locale for your workstation) before you can use the keyboard.


  1. Navigate to Cataloging software downloads and review the OCLC software download terms and conditions.
  2. Click the I accept checkbox to accept the terms and conditions.
  3. From the software download table, select one of the following:
    • RLIN21 Arabic keyboard (downloads ARBr21.exe file)
    • RLIN21 Cyrillic keyboard (downloads CYRr21.exe file)
    • RLIN21 Hebrew keyboard (downloads HBRr21.exe file)
    • RLIN21 Latin keyboard (downloads LATr21.exe file)

    The file automatically downloads to your desktop.
  4. Double-click the file on your desktop. The file automatically installs.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to install additional keyboards.
  6. Restart your workstation before you use the keyboard(s).