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OCLC Support

Find user information for troubleshooting

Discover how to find information about your version of Connexion client software, your workstation, the current or most recent online session, your client settings, and other factors that may affect how the client works.

If you need to work with technical support staff, you may be asked for information about your version of Connexion client software, your workstation, the current or most recent online session, your client settings, and other factors that may affect how the client works.

Also, the client has built-in options for gathering information about system responses in Tools > Options > Access.

Client software version

  1. Navigate to Help > About Windows Client or press Alt+H+A. The About OCLC Connexion window has two tab pages. Click a tab to view its information:
    General tab - Description
    The General tab shows information about the workstation and your version of the client:
    • OCLC Connexion client version number
    • Software copyright information
    • Executable: Location of the file that starts the client
    • O/S: Your operating system
    • System Path: Location of your operating system files
    • Settings Path: Location of the files containing your client settings
    • CRL Version: Version of Microsoft .NET Framework, a component installed with the Connexion client, if not already on your machine. Required for running the client.
    • CRL Path: Location of .NET Framework
    • Created: Date and time you installed the Connexion client
    • Memory: Amount of memory used by the client (bytes)
    • Install Drive: Amount of free space in the drive where you have the client installed (bytes)
    • CPU: Information about your processor
    • Resolution: Your monitor resolution setting as shown in Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings tab
    Loaded Modules tab
    The Loaded Modules tab gives basic information about program modules loaded the client:
    • Type: Type of file (e.g., EXE, DLL)
    • Module: Full file name
    • Name: Name (description) of module
    • Version: Version number of module
    • Path: Full path and file name
  2. To print the information on both tabs, click Print.
    Click Print to File to print the information on both tabs to a text file that you can attach to an email. The client prints to systeminfo.txt in the client program folder. X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\systeminfo.txt (X = letter of your hard drive)


If you need additional information about your workstation, click Settings > Control Panel > System on the Windows Start menu. The tabs in the Windows System Properties window contain information about the properties of your operating system.

Recent online session, OCLC cataloging profile, and designated default local files

Navigate to View > User Information or press Alt+V+U. In the User Information window, the current or most recent online session identification is at the top. The window also includes other session information, such as the time and duration of a log-on session.

The client keeps the information from your most current session only. See a description of the information shown in the User Information window.

Quick access button to open client files and logs

For quick access to client files and logs:

  1. Navigate to View > User Information > Paths and Logs.
  2. Click buttons in the Paths and Logs window to open files and folders in the following list:
    • To open the client installation directory (contains Connex.exe file and other system files, click Go under Installation Directory.
    • To open the client application folder (contains your data files), click Go under Application Data Directory.
    • To open your default user profile folder (contains your options and settings), click Go under Current Profile Path.
    • To open your HostResponse.log file (a text file that opens in Notepad), click View Host Response Log. The file can help support staff to evaluate system responses.
    • To open your LocalFileErrors.log file (a text file that opens in Notepad), click View Local File Errors Log. The client creates this file only if a fatal local file error occurs. It contains information that can help troubleshoot the error.

For more details about client file locations and contents, see User files (back up or share) and system files.

Client settings

To view most client settings, navigate to Tools > Options or press Alt+T+O and then click any tab.

Option settings are stored in Options.xml in X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\ApplicationData\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\MyProfile\ (X = letter of your hard drive).

Your settings are retained even when you upgrade the client to a new version.

For more information, see Set client options and customize.

System response tracking

The Access tab (Tools > Options > Access) contains check boxes for selecting or clearing options to collect response times and/or exact requests and responses during interactions with the OCLC system.

  • Enable statistics logging option - Allows the client to log response times between your workstation and the OCLC system, if responses reach a certain (variable) length of time. By default, the check box is selected.
  • Enable transaction logging option - Allows the client to log exact requests and responses between your workstation and the OCLC system when you interact with the system. By default, the check box is not selected.

Collecting this information can assist OCLC staff to evaluate system performance, if needed.

OCLC highly recommends keeping the default settings for these two options, unless otherwise advised by Connexion support staff for problem solving. Changing the settings may affect system response time.

Any statistics and/or transactions logged are stored in X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\ApplicationData\OCLC\Connex\HostResponse.log.