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Default user data files

Find out how to use default user data files and how to create your own data files in Connexion client.


The client supplies four default local files for saving records and constant data and three default files for printing records, labels, or accession lists to a file rather than to a printer. Use and re-use these default data files or create your own data files.

The default data files described in the following table are located in X:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming.

Default bibliographic and authority local files for storing records

Default file name Purpose of file
DefaultAuth.auth.db Default local file for saving authority records
DefaultAuthCD.authcd.db Default local file for storing authority constant data records
DefaultBib.bib.db Default local file for saving bibliographic records
DefaultBibCD.bibcd.db Default local file for storing bibliographic constant data records


  • Save records to a local file using Action > Save Record to Local File (or press F4). The client saves the displayed record or records selected in a list to the default file appropriate for the record type.
  • By default, the client automatically backs up default local files:
    • When you exit the client after using a local file or change the default local file, the client backs up each default file you used to the same folder as the original file, using the same file name, but with the additional file extension *.bac. Example: DefaultBib.bib.db.bac
    • To change the settings for backing up default local files, navigate to File > Local File Manager and then click Auto Back Up.
    • See Restore data from a client backup file for a procedure for restoring data from backup files that the client generates.
  • You can also compact local files to remove unused space or to repair a file if you get erroneous messages that records are in use by someone else.
  • See more about these and other features of local files in Manage local files.

Default Print-to files for records, labels, and accession lists

Default file name Purpose of file
Records.txt Records print to this file when you set the option Output to Text File under Records in Tools > Options > Printing and accept the default path and file name.
Labels.txt Labels print to this file when you set the option Output to Text File in Tools > Options > Printing (click Label Options) and accept the default path and file name.
Accessions.txt An accessions list prints to this file when you set the option Output to File in Tools > Options > Printing (click Accessions List Options) and accept the default path and file name.