User settings and customization files

Find user settings and customization files used in Connexion client.

The Connexion client stores your data files in one folder, \MyProfile, in the following location: X:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\MyProfile\ (X = the letter of your hard drive)

The following table describes settings and customizations files:

File name (default) Purpose of file

(or other .Keymap.xml files you create)
Stores customized keystrokes that you assign in Tools > Keymaps. When you use a keystroke shortcut, the client carries out any action you assigned to the shortcut. If you did not assign
an action, the client carries out the preassigned action.
AppExclusions.Keymap.xml Stores individual default keystroke shortcuts that you unassign. The client uses the file to restore a single default keystroke when
you reassign it.
Options.xml Contains most of your option settings and customizations; for example, those from Tools > Options tab pages, local file settings, customized toolbar, stored previous searches for all search dialogs, and other information unique to the way you use
the client.
TextStrings.xml Stores text strings you create to enter data that is often repeated
in records (Tools > Text Strings).
user.dic User dictionary for the spell checker.To customize the dictionary,
navigate to Tools > Options > Spelling and click Edit User Dictionary.
UserLogonInfo.xml Stores your user log on information from the current or most
recent online session (in the client, opens via View > User Information or Ctrl+Alt+U)
WebLinks.xml Contains automatic updates to the client that do not require a complete application upgrade.
