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OCLC Support

Link directly to OCLC web services and information

Discover how to access OCLC web services and information from within Connexion client.

Open web services directly from the client Help menu

To save time, open cataloging- or Connexion client-related services and information on the OCLC website directly from the client:

  1. Navigate to Help > Useful Web Links or press <Alt><H><U>.
  2. Click one of the submenu links.
    Available submenu links
    Link Opens default browser to...
    OCLC Connexion Connexion home page
    Client Documentation Connexion client documentation page
    • Links to categories of system guides containing comprehensive client documentation
    • Content of the guides is also published as online Help within the client (Help > Client Help)
    Bibliographic Format and Standards OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards
    • Opens the main page of Bibliographic Formats with links to chapters and field descriptions. Use this link to browse Bibliographic Formats.
    • Use MARC field Help (Help menu) to open a specific description for a current field in a displayed record.
    OCLC MARC Records OCLC-MARC records
    Connexion Known Problems Connexion client problems and troubleshooting page
    • Lists current problems and workarounds, if any, and recently resolved problems
    WorldCat Statistics WorldCat facts and statistics page
    • Gives statistics such as number of records in WorldCat and number of participating libraries
    • Links to other statistics such as language distribution and number of records by encoding level
    WorldCat Record Change Request Request form
    • Send a requested change to a WorldCat bibliographic record
    WorldCat Record Merge Request Request form
    • Send a request to merge duplicate WorldCat records
    Authority Record Change Request Request form
    • Send a requested change to an authority record in the LC names and subjects authority file
    OCLC System Status Dashboard OCLC System Status Dashboard
    • Check for information about any known OCLC system problems if you have difficulties logging on or using the system
    • If none are listed, contact support about your problem
    Access and Authorization form OCLC access and authorization form
    • Use form to add, change, or delete authorizations for access to the OCLC system for the following services:
      • Cataloging
      • Interlibrary loan


The web pages open in your default browser. If the web page requires a logon, the client automatically logs you on.


  • Get statistics on your use of OCLC cataloging and other services (View > OCLC Usage Statistics).
  • Open Connexion client tutorials on the OCLC website (Help > Tutorial).

Open the Find a Library ( view of a record

Display a bibliographic record currently open in the client in the Find in a Library® service at

The Find in a Library record view gives locations of WorldCat libraries that hold the work described, along with links that take you directly to library OPACs. Or access cover art, information on alternative formats (large print, audiobooks, etc.), user reviews, and other evaluative content.

To display a Connexion client record in the Find in a Library view, navigate to Tools > Find in a Library or press <Alt><T><F>. Your default browser opens to the Find in a Library view of the record.

Open a WebDewey-only session from the client

If you subscribe to WebDewey, you can open a WebDewey-only session directly from the client (Tools > Launch WebDewey).

The client automatically logs you on using the default authorization and password you set up for interactive logon (Tools > Options > Authorizations).

Your default authorization for interactive logon must be associated with a WebDewey subscription.

See Launch OCLC cataloging-related services from Connexion client for more information.