Search Online Authority Constant Data

Find out how to access and use the Search Online Authority Constant Data window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Search Online Authority Constant Data window

Access the Search Online Authority Constant Data window

  1. Navigate to Authorities > Search > Online Constant Data or press <Ctrl><Shift><H>.
    With an authority record open, click Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply from List or press <Alt><E><D><O><L>.
    • If you are logged on to OCLC Connexion, the Search Online Authority Constant Datawindow opens immediately. 
    • If you are not already logged on, the Logon OCLC Connexion window opens. As soon as you complete the logon and close the Welcome window, the Search Online Authority Constant Datawindow opens automatically. 
  2. Enter a search term. Name is the only available index. 
  3. Click OK to send the search. 

See more about how to search for online authority constant data records.

Search Online Authority Constant Data window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Search for ... in
text field and index list
Enter a search in the text field (the only available index is Name).
Select previous search terms in the drop-down lists. The client retains a list of up to ten previous searches.

 Note: Leave the Search for field empty and click OK to retrieve all records in the file.
Tips for search terms:
  • Use truncation (*) to find variant endings (e.g., librar*, comput*, catalog*).
  • Use character masking (?) to find variant spellings (e.g., col?r retrieves color and colour).
Retain Search check box Select or deselect the option to keep the most recent search in the Search for box between logon sessions.

A check mark indicates that the option is selected.


Button name Click the button to...
Enter Diacritics Open the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window to enter a diacritic or character in a search term.
Clear Search Clear search term.
OK Send the search (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel the search and close the window.