Keymap Organizer

Find out how to access and use the Keymap Organizer window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Keymap Organizer window

Access the Keymap Organizer window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Keymaps or press <Alt><T><K>.
  2. Click Organizer.
  3. See details below for using the features of the window to create, rename, delete, move, or copy a keymap file.

See more about how to manage keymap files.

Keymap Organizer window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Keymap 1 area
Current display (location of current files) View the location of the current keymap files, or select a different location using Browse.

Default location: X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\SystemDefault\, where X is the letter of your hard drive
List of keymap files To view key assignments in a keymap file, click the plus sign (+) next to the file name.

The keymap expands a list of key assignments. The plus sign changes to a minus sign (-).

Click the minus sign to hide the list.
Keymap 2 area
Same features as in the Keymap 1 area. Allows you to select and view key assignments in a second keymap file.
Description area
View the assignment of any shortcut key you select in a keymap file.

Click the plus sign to expand a keymap file, and then click a key combination in the list. The description appears in the Description area. 


Button name Click the button to...
Browse Locate the keymap file(s) you want to work with:
  1. Click anywhere in the Keymap 1 or Keymap 2 area to set the focus (indicated by the direction of the angle brackets on buttons).
  2. Click Browse to navigate to the keymap file you want to view. Double-click the file or click Open

The path and file name of the file you selected displays under Current in the appropriate Keymap area.

New Create a new keymap file:
  1. Click to set the focus in the Keymap 1 or Keymap 2 area.
  2. Click New to create a new file.
  3. In the New Keymap field, enter a file name over the highlighted text. 
Rename Rename a keymap file:
  1. Select a keymap file in a list and click Rename.
  2. Enter a new name over the highlighted name.
Delete Delete a keymap file:
  1. Select a keymap file in a list and click Delete.
  2. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Move Remove a key assignment from one file and put it in another file:
  1. Under Keymap 1 or Keymap 2, click to highlight the name of a file to which you want to move a key assignment.
  2. In the other Keymap area, click the plus sign to expand a list of key assignments in a keymap file. select the key assignment you want to move.
  3. Click Move.
Copy Copy a key assignment into another keymap file without removing it from its original keymap file:
  1. Under Keymap 1 or Keymap 2, click to highlight the name of a file to which you want to copy a key assignment.
  2. In the other Keymap area, click a plus sign to expand a list of key assignments in a keymap file. select the key assignment you want to copy.
  3. Click Copy.
Close Close the window.