Assigned Keys

Find out how to access and use the Assigned Keys window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Assigned Keys window

Access the Assigned Keys window

  1. Navigate to View > Assigned Keys or press <Alt><V><A>.
  2. (Optional) Click a column heading to re-sort the list by data in the column.
  3. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the entire list and paste into a text editing program.
    Click Print to print the list.
  4. Click Close.

See more about how to assign keystroke shortcuts.

Assigned Keys window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Select Keymap File list Lists all keymap files. select the keymap file you want to view.
Keystroke/Source/Definition list View a list of keystrokes assigned to a menu item, character, macro, or text string in the selected keymap file. Also, view the source of each key assignment:
  • Windows: Keystrokes that are standard in Microsoft Windows
  • App: Connexion client default keystrokes
  • Custom: Keystrokes that you defined (customize)
  • Other names: Any keymap files you create.

 Note: Click a column heading to re-sort the list alphabetically by that column. Click the same column heading again to re-sort in reverse alphabetical order. 


Button Click the button to...
Close Close the window (or press <Enter>).
Copy to Clipboard Copy the list to the clipboard. Then you can paste it into a word-processor file and editas needed to create a customized list.
Print Print the displayed list of keystroke assignments.