Status bar

Find an overview of the client status bar and how to show or hide it in Connexion client.

About status information

The client status bar at the bottom of the main client window displays by default. The purpose of the status bar is to show various kinds of status information for the current logon session and/or the current (displayed) record to help you keep track of your work as you manage and process records. You can also hide the client status bar.

Record status information is stored only in the working copy of records saved in the bibliographic save file. (Exception: the status for Report Error is not stored when you save a record.) Statuses are not retained in the WorldCat record.

For a displayed bibliographic record, the status bar shows:

For a displayed authority record, the status bar shows:

 Note: When you lock WorldCat bibliographic and authority records, the word Locked appears in the record information area. Locked status is not in the status bar. 

Show or hide the status bar

The status bar displays at the bottom of the client main window, unless you hide it. To toggle between showing and hiding the status bar, navigate to View > Status Bar. A check mark indicates that the status bar is displayed. No check mark indicates that the status bar is hidden.

Default: The client displays the status bar.

Status bar description

The following tables describe information contained in each area of the status bar (the areas are numbered in the order in which they appear only for reference; the areas are not numbered in the client interface):

Order of area 1 2 3 4
Example Delete Holdings-C Export-R Label-C Produce-C
Shows Action status for Delete Holdings:
  • C=Completed
  • F=Failed
  • R=Ready (for batch)
  • [blank]=not done
Action status for Export:
  • C=Completed
  • F=Failed
  • R=Ready (for batch)
  • [blank]=not done
Label print status:
  • C=Completed
  • F=Failed
  • R=Ready (for batch)
  • [blank]=not done
Action status for Produce or Add:
  • C=Completed
  • F=Failed
  • R=Ready (for batch)
  • [blank]=not done
Shows for record type Bibliographic record

(Blank for authority record)
Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic record

(Blank for authority record)
Bibliographic record (Produce)
Authority record (Add)


Order of area 5 6 7 8
Example Submit-R  Replace-C  Report Error-C Update Holdings-C
Shows Action status for Submit (peer review):
  • C = Complete
  • F = Failed
  • R = Ready (for batch)
  • [blank] = not done
Action status for Replace:
  • C = Complete
  • F = Failed
  • R = Ready (for batch)
  • [blank] = not done
Report error status:
  • C = Completed
  • F = Failed
  • [blank] = not done

 Note: Status shows only while record is open. Not saved with record.

Action status for Update Holdings:
  • C = Completed
  • F = Failed
  • R = Ready (for batch)
  • [blank] = not done
Shows for record type Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic record

(Blank for authority record)


Order of area 9 10 11 12
Example Validate-F Source-OCLC 15 of 100 My Status-Ready for review
Shows Action status for Validate:
  • C = Completed
  • F = Failed
  • [blank] = not done
Source* of the record:
  • Derived
  • Extracted
  • Imported
  • OCLC
  • Workform
Record number of total number of records retrieved

Number shows for record selected in list or for record displayed from list

For a WorldCat group list, shows number of selected group of total number of group entries
Custom status you assign to help manage saved records:

Up to 40 characters of free text
Shows for record type Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic record

(Blank for authority record)
Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic record or constant data

Authority record in local save file or local constant data only
* Source status definitions:
  • Derived - New record created by deriving information from an existing record.
  • Extracted - New record produced by extracting data from a user-specified URL.
  • Imported - New record produced by importing MARC records.
  • Workform - New record created from a blank workform.
  • OCLC - Working copy of a WorldCat record (locked or unlocked) in WorldCat.

     Note: When you add a new record to WorldCat, the source status changes to OCLC.


Order of area 13 14 15 16
Example Workflow Completed Inst-OCL Edit INS
Shows Workflow status for bibliographic records:
  • Completed
  • In Process
  • In Review
  • New
  • Needs DA
  • Record*
  • DA Record
  • Complete*

Workflow status for authority records:
  • Completed
  • Imported**
  • In Process
  • In Review
  • New
Institution symbol associated with record when it is retrieved or imported Editing status: Record has been edited (or this area blank if not edited)

Edit status is retained until record is saved
Editing mode:

INS=Insert mode: typed characters are inserted

OVR=Overwrite mode: typed characters replace existing ones
Shows for record type Bibliographic or authority record Bibliographic record Bibliographic or authority record Any window type
*Needs DA Record and DA Record Complete are Connexion browser workflow statuses only (DA = Digital Archive).
**System-supplied only.


Order of area 17
Example 15:40
Shows Inactivity timer countdown in minutes and seconds:

System logs you off after 39 minutes (default), or after number of minutes you set in Tools > Options > General tab, when you have not interacted in that time.
Shows for record type Any window type, but countdown shows only when logged on