Work with bibliographic constant data search results

Discover how to work with bibliographic constant data search results in Connexion client.

Hide columns

  1. Right-click anywhere in a list and, on the pop-up menu, click List Settings.
  2. By default, all columns are selected.
    • To hide a column, perform one of the following actions:
      1. In the Column Settings window, select a column by its name and click Hide.
      2. Double-click a column to deselect the check box next to its name.
    • To display a hidden column, perform one of the following actions:
      1. Select the column and click Show.
      2. Single-click a column to select the check box next to its name.
  3. To re-display all columns, click Reset.
  4. Click OK to make your changes and close the window.
    Click Cancel to close the window without making the changes.

Change the order of columns

  1. Right-click anywhere in a list and, on the pop-up menu, click List Settings.
  2. Select each column you want to move, one by one, and click Move Up or Move Down until it is in the position you want.
    Use the mouse to change the order of columns:
    1. Place the cursor over the column heading of the column you want to move.
    2. Hold down <Ctrl> and left-click and drag the column heading.
      Right-click, hold and drag the column heading.

      While you drag, the cursor becomes a rectangle.
    3. Drop the rectangle on top of the border between the two columns where you want to place the column you are dragging.
  3. To restore the default order of columns, click Reset.
  4. Click OK to make your changes and close the window.
    Click Cancel to close the window without making the changes.

Resize columns

Move the cursor over the right-hand border of the heading for the column you want to resize until the cursor becomes Column size pointer. Then click and hold while you drag the border to a new position.

To restore column widths to the default, right-click anywhere in the list. On the popup menu, click Restore List Sizes.

In the confirmation message, click OK to confirm or click Cancel to keep the column widths as they are. When you reopen a list of this type, the original column widths are restored.

Re-sort a list

 Note: For online constant data lists of more than 100 records, sorting applies only to the 100 records currently displayed. If you display another set of 100 records, you must re-sort the list.

Online constant data list only: View a list of more than 100 records

The client shows only 100 records at a time when online search results exceed that number.

Check the status bar to see where you are in the list of total records found. For any record selected on the list or opened for display, the status bar shows the record number of the total number of records found (e.g., 34 of 38).

 Note: All search results from the local constant data file display in a continuous list.

Select multiple records in a list

Select adjacent records

  • Click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry. The entire group of records between the entries is selected.
  • Click an entry and hold the mouse button down while you drag the cursor up or down in the list to select the group of records you want.

Select nonadjacent records

Click to highlight the first entry, and then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry.

Open records in a list

In an Online [or Local] Bibliographic Constant Data List, double-click the entry, or select the entry and press <Enter>.

Navigate among records and lists

When you have multiple records and lists open, you can use commands on the View and Window menus, or equivalent toolbar buttons or keystroke shortcuts, to navigate among the open windows. See Record lists for navigation techniques.