About bibliographic constant data search results

Find an overview of how to use bibliographic constant data search results in Connexion client.

How results display


Applies to online
and/or local file?
Number of records found The client displays ...
Online and local
constant data
0 A message asking you to change or simplify the search and try again
Online and local
constant data
1 The full constant data record
Online constant data only 2 to 100 An Online Bibliographic Constant Data List in alphabetical order by constant data name
101 records or more A message that tells you:
  • The total number of records found
  • That the displayed list contains the first 100 records
  • How to view the next 100 (View > Next 100 Records)

A list of the first 100 records

Local constant data only 2 to 9,999 A Local Bibliographic Constant Data List sorted in alphabetical order by constant data name
  • A continuous list of all records in the local file
  • The list is sorted alphabetically by constant data name

Use the results list

 Note: Changes you make to the content of a record or actions you take on a record opened from a list are not reflected in the list until you resave the record, close the list, and do the search again. The list reopens showing the updated information.

The Online [or Local] Bibliographic Constant Data List has two columns:

At the top of the list are: