Work with bibliographic constant data records

Discover how to edit and delete bibliographic constant data records in Connexion client.

Edit a constant data record

More than one person at your library can access the online or local constant data file, but only one person at a time can open a constant data record from either file. Other staff at your library cannot access the record until you save or cancel your changes and close the record.

 Caution: If you need to insert blank fields, keep blank subfields, or preserve original fixed field values when you apply constant data, see How to insert blank fields, keep blank subfields, and preserve fixed field values when applying constant data.

Use the following techniques and procedures for editing bibliographic constant data records as for editing bibliographic records (see Edit bibliographic records for more details):

Information on saving records and entering LCCNs in records also applies to constant data records.

Delete a constant data record

  1. Open a bibliographic constant data record you want to delete from either the online save file or the local save file, or select records in a local bibliographic constant data list.

     Note: For local constant data only, you cannot delete your default record. The client gives you an error message if you try. To delete your default constant data record, first set another record as the default (see Apply bibliographic constant data for the procedure for setting/changing the default record).

     Caution: If you share local constant data with other staff, another staff member can delete your local default record.

  2. On the Action menu, click Delete Record, click the Delete Record button (Delete Record button), or press <Ctrl><Alt><D>.
  3. Click Yes to confirm or No to keep the record.

Tips for using constant data