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OCLC Support

Work with holdings

Discover how to work with holdings while setting or deleting them in Connexion client.

Disable Produce and Update commands for held records

To set an option to disable the Produce and Update commands when you display records your library holds:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Click Action Options.
  4. Select or deselect the Disable Update and Produce if record is held check box. By default, the check box is not selected. Update and Produce are available whether or not the displayed record is owned by your library.
    • The client disables the following commands when you display a record that your library holds:
      • Update Holdings
      • Produce and Update Holdings
      • Replace and Update Holdings
  5. Click OK to save your settings or Cancel to cancel changes.
  6. In the General tab, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click OK to save changes you made.
    • Click Cancel to cancel changes.
    • Click Apply to save changes and keep the Options window open.

Delete holdings interactively or by batch

Minimum authorization level: The Delete Holdings action requires Full or higher authorization.

The Delete Holdings action is available only if your library's OCLC symbol is attached to the record.

To delete holdings interactively or via batch:

  1. Log on to delete holdings interactively. The action occurs immediately.
    Remain offline to mark records in a local file to batch process delete holdings.
    • When you delete holdings on a record from the online or local save file while logged on, the system processes the record immediately.
    • When you delete holdings on a record from the local save file while offline, the record is marked R (Ready) for batch processing.
  2. Retrieve a record from which you want to delete holdings.
    Select records the records from which you want to delete holdings from a list:
    • To select adjacent records, click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
    • To select nonadjacent entries, click to highlight the first entry, and then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry.
  3. Click Action > Holdings > Delete Holdings, click the Delete Holdings button (Delete Holdings button), or press <Shift><F8>.
  4. Local holdings records (LHRs)
    • Online - If you have LHRs attached to WorldCat records, the system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete your OCLC symbol, and attached LHRs: Click Yes to delete, or click No to return to the record without deleting (in which case, deleting holdings fails).
    • Offline (mark records for batch processing) - You must set options to Delete attached LHRs when Deleting Holdings: Click Tools > Options > Batch and select the check boxes next to these options. If these options are not selected, batch delete holdings actions will fail.

When you delete holdings:

  • Your institution's OCLC symbol, and LHRs, if attached, are no longer associated with the record(s).
  • Update holdings information at the top of the record. Removes the designation Held.
  • Online - Sets the Delete Holdings action status to C (Completed) in the status bar of the record or in the Delete Holdings column of the list.
  • Offline - Sets the Delete Holdings action status to R (Ready) in the status bar of the record or in the Delete Holdings column of the list.

Quick batch alternative: Batch process holdings by OCLC control numbers alone. Enter or import OCLC numbers, and the client locates the records and processes the actions without downloading the records (Batch > Holdings by OCLC Number). You can process Update Holdings, Produce and Update Holdings, or Delete Holdings.

View or print holdings information

No minimum authorization is required to view or print holdings.

Use the View > Holdings action to list libraries whose OCLC symbols are linked to a bibliographic record.

  1. Log on to Connexion.
  2. Open a record from the online or local bibliographic save file.
  3. On the View menu, click one of the following:
    • Holdings > Default or press <Ctrl><Shift><D> - Shows default holdings, based on the number of holding institutions, and their geographic distribution.
    • Holdings > All or press <Ctrl><Shift><A> - Shows all OCLC symbols of holding libraries attached to the record.
    • Holdings > State or press <Ctrl><Shift><S> - Shows OCLC symbols of holding libraries in the U.S. state, Canadian province, or country where your library is located.
    • Holdings > Regional or press <Ctrl><Shift><R> - Shows OCLC symbols of holding libraries in your region.

    • The View Holdings window shows:
      • Whether your library (OCLC symbol) holds the item.
      • The total number of other libraries holding the record (e.g., State locations - Held by OCL - 95 other holdings).
    • Lists holding institutions by OCLC symbol.

       Note: In holdings lists, letters in institution symbols appear in uppercase or lowercase. An uppercase symbol indicates that the institution participates in the WorldCat Resource Sharing (WCRS) service as a lender of library materials. A lowercase symbol indicates that the institution does not lend materials via WCRS.

    • If the name is unavailable, the client gives you a message:
      • If the message says that the symbol is not found, it is most likely a new symbol assigned after the current client release. You will have to wait for the next client release to see the institution name.
      • If the message says that the symbol is in the file but cannot be found or is corrupt, you may need to reinstall the client to get a working institution symbol file.
  4. To print a list of holdings, click Print in the Display Holdings list (View > Display Holdings).

Show institution name for an OCLC symbol

In the Display Holdings list (View > Display Holdings [type]), move the mouse pointer over an institution symbol to display the name of the institution.

  • A pop-up displays the institution name.
  • If the name is unavailable, the client gives you a message:
    • If the message says that the symbol is not found, it is most likely a new symbol assigned after the current client release. You will have to wait for the next client release to see the institution name.
    • If the message says that the symbol is in the file but cannot be found or is corrupt, you may need to reinstall the client to get a working institution symbol file.

For more information about an institution whose symbol appears in a holdings list, search the Directory of OCLC members.

Default holdings criteria

When you view the default holdings for a record, the system determines the default based on the following criteria:

If item is held by ... You view ...
20 or fewer institutions All locations
More than 20 institutions; 10 or more in your state State locations
More than 20 institutions; fewer than 10 in your state, 10 or more in your region Regional locations
More than 20 institutions; none in your state or region All locations