Take immediate actions on bibliographic records

Discover how to take immediate actions on bibliographic records in Connexion client.

When you take actions on records in the online save file or in the local file while logged on, the client processes the actions immediately.

  1. Log on to Connexion. You must be logged on to take immediate action.
  2. Single record: Open a bibliographic record in the online or local bibliographic save file.
    Multiple records: Select records in an online or local bibliographic save file list:
    • To select adjacent records, click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry. 
    • To select nonadjacent entries, click to highlight the first entry, and then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry.
  3. On the Action or Edit menu, click the command for the action you want the system to process immediately (e.g., Action > Holdings > Update Holdings (Update Holdings button or <F8>) or Edit > Validate (Validate button or <Shift><F5>).
    • Single record: All actions listed in the table above are available for single records.
    • Multiple records selected in a list: Actions available for multiple records selected in the online or local bibliographic save file list are:
      • On the Action menu:
        • Submit for Review
        • Save Record to Online File (if selected records are in the local file)
        • Save Record to Local File (if selected records are in the online file)
        • Delete Record
        • Copy Record (available for local save file records only)
        • Move Record (available for local save file records only)
        • Export
        • Set Status
      • On the Edit menu:
        • Validate
          • The client displays validation results for all selected records in one list, showing the save file number and specific results for each record.
          • Validation is available when you are logged on or offline.
        • Apply Online Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)
        • Apply Local Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)
          • The client overwrites the record's fixed field data with the constant data record's fixed field data when you:
            • Apply constant data to records selected in a list
            • Have the fields-to-apply option for constant data set to apply the fixed field or to apply both fixed field and variable fields
            • The constant data fixed field does not match that of the record