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Create an import file of OCLC numbers

Discover how to create an import file of OCLC numbers in Connexion client.
  1. Create a new file in a text editor such as Notepad, or output a file of OCLC numbers from your local system.
    • To locate the file quickly when you want to import the numbers, create it in the folder that the client automatically displays when you browse for the file (see step 3 in the batch process workflow): X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\ (where X = the letter of your hard drive)
  2. In the text file, enter OCLC numbers of records for which you want to set or delete holdings.
    • Enter each number on a separate line (hard return after each).
    • Enter the number alone, or precede each number with an:, *, or # (the system ignores them when processing the numbers).

     Caution: OCLC recommends processing no more than 2,500 OCLC numbers at a time.
  3. Import the file of numbers in the client only when you are ready to batch process the records. The client does not save the numbers.