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Types of qualifiers

Find a list of the WorldCat indexes useful for performing qualified searches in Connexion client.

Qualify keyword and derived searches to narrow the results or make the searches more precise.

 Note: You cannot qualify browse terms.

Qualifiers are simply indexes. Used alone, each might retrieve an enormous number of records, but combined with searches in other indexes, they limit or focus the results by adding specific criteria.

WorldCat indexes useful for qualifying searches are:

  • Type of material (format) (mt: or mt=) includes:
    • Format slash qualifiers. Precede one of the following codes with a slash or with an index label and a colon:
      • Books (bks)
      • Computer Files (com)
      • Continuing Resources (cnr) (formerly named Serials; includes both Serials and Integrating Resources material types, both of which can also be used as slash qualifiers)
      • Integrating Resources (int)
      • Maps (map)
      • Mixed Materials (mix)
      • Scores (sco)
      • Serials (ser)
      • Sound Recordings (rec)
      • Visual Materials (vis)
    • Material type qualifiers. Precede a material type code or single-word name with the word index label mt: or precede a multi-word material type name with the phrase index label mt=.

      sou,of,mu, and mt:dvv
      sou,of,mu, and mt=cd audio

      See Connexion: Searching WorldCat Quick Reference for a list of material type names and codes.

      See Searching WorldCat Indexes for more details about what information is indexed for material types.
  • Year(s) of publication (yr:)
  • Microform or not microform (mf:)
  • Cataloging source (Library of Congress) (dl:)
  • Internet/non-Internet (dt:)
  • Language (la:)