Enter searches for batch processing

Discover how to enter searches for batch processing in Connexion client.
  1. Navigate to Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys or press <Alt><B><B>.
  2. (Optional) Change the bibliographic save file in which to enter searches:
    • In the Enter Bibliographic Search Keys window, in the Local File list, select a different file.
    • Click Local File Manager to create or move local files before entering search keys.
  3. In the Query text box, enter a complete search using full search syntax in the same format as a command line search. See Perform a command line search for details and guidelines, including notes on entering non-Latin script search terms.


    • See Total Entered above the Query box for a running total of searches added to the list.
    • Browsing is not available for batch searching since browsing for a term results in an index list, not records.
  4. (Optional) To enter a diacritic or special character in the search key, click Enter Diacritics. See Insert diacritics and special characters for more details.
  5. (Optional) Under Use default index, select an index to apply to searches you enter.
    Default: None, or the last default index you selected.
    • The client precedes each search with the index label and punctuation (colon(:) or equal sign (=)).
      Exception: Any searches you enter with a different index label and punctuation.
    • The client keeps your default index even when you change to another local file.
  6. (Optional) Append default WorldCat qualifiers: Select the Apply default WorldCat qualifiers check box and enter the qualifiers in the adjacent text field. See Qualify and combine searches for more information about how to type qualifiers.
  7. Click Add or press <Enter>.
    • The client adds the search to the list.
    • The last search you entered remains in the Query field and is highlighted so that you enter the next search without relocating the cursor.
    • The client displays a running Total Entered showing the number of searches you have entered.
  8. Continue adding, editing, or deleting searches. Besides Add, you can use:
    • Delete to delete one or more selected searches in the list.
    • Replace to replace a selected search in the list with the search in the Query box.
    • Import to import search keys from a text file. See Import searches from a text file for instructions.
    • Copy to copy selected search(es) to another local file. The client prompts for the local file to which you want to copy the search(es). The Copy button is unavailable until you select search(es) in the list.
  9. Click Save to save the searches you entered to the local save file.
  10. (Optional) Click Print to print the entire list of searches you entered.
  11. Click Close when finished. If you made changes that you did not save, the client asks if you want to save the changes in the local file. Click OK to save or click Cancel.
  12. When ready, click Batch > Process Batch to open the Process Batch window and run batch processing. See Run batch processing for instructions.
    • When you run batch searches, in the Process Batch window, enter and apply a My Status or apply your default local constant data to batch downloaded records.
    • Searches you enter and run successfully are deleted from the file after a batch finishes. Failed searches remain in the file if you set options for retaining them (Tools > Options > Batch).