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Select WorldCat search options for displaying results and for SCIPIO records

Discover how to select WorldCat search options for displaying results and for SCIPIO records in Connexion client.

Select the way you want WorldCat search results to display (in a certain type of list or as full records), and select options for SCIPIO searching.

SCIPIO = Art Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs; the only online union catalog of auction catalog records in existence.

  1. Navigate to Cataloging > Search > WorldCat or press <F2>.
  2. In the Search WorldCat window, click Settings.
  3. Under Display Search Results, select one of the following display options from the Display search results as list:
    • System Default List (default)
      • Search returns a single record: Results display as a full record
      • Search returns 2 to 5 records: Results display as a brief list
      • Search returns 6 to 100 records: Results display as a truncated list
      • Search returns 101 to 1500 records: Results display as a group list
    • Brief List - Displays any number of records retrieved.
    • Truncated List - Displays any number of records retrieved.
    • Full Record - If multiple records are retrieved, displays the first full record in the list.

    • Your setting applies to the results of searches in both the Command Line and Keyword/Numeric Search area and to results displayed when you open an entry on a Browse WorldCat List that contains more than one record.
    • The client retains your selection only if you complete a search before closing the Search WorldCat window.

    • If the search retrieves 101 to 1500 records, the group list displays no matter what display you selected.
      • Exception: A truncated list can contain more than 100 records if the records are for a single year. If so, only 100 entries display at a time. Use Next 100 Records or Previous 100 Records on the View menu (or <Page up> and <Page down>) to display other sets of records in the list.
    • While viewing a WorldCat results list, toggle between brief and truncated list displays using View > List Type.
  4. (Optional) Select the Retrieve only SCIPIO records check box.
    • With this option selected, Connexion searches only SCIPIO records (that is, those with the code scipio in field 042), using both standard WorldCat indexes and SCIPIO indexes.
    • With this option deselected (default), Connexion searches all WorldCat records, including SCIPIO records.

    See Use SCIPIO records for more details.
  5. Click OK or press <Enter> to save your setting, or click Cancel to cancel changes you made. The Search WorldCat Settings window closes and you are returned to the Search WorldCat window.