Actions on saved bibliographic records

Find actions you can take on saved bibliographic records in Connexion client.

The following table shows actions you can take on single saved bibliographic records or on multiple records selected in a save file list. The table also provides a summary of actions available for processing in batch mode.

Action Available in ... logged on? offline? How to
Print records or list Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
See Print bibliographic save file search results
Print labels Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
See Print labels
Save record
(with or without modifying)
Online save file
Local save file (save from local file to online file only when logged on)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:
  • Navigate to Action > Save Record Online or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>.
  • Navigate to Action > Save Record to Local File or press <F4>.

 Note: You cannot save locked bibliographic records from the online save file to the local save file.

Delete record from save file Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:
  1. Navigate to Action > Delete Record, click the Delete Record button (Delete Record button), or press <Ctrl><Alt><D>.
  2. Click Yes to confirm.

 Caution: The online save file screen does not automatically refresh after you delete initial records from the title list. To avoid deleting incorrect records in subsequent deletions:

  • Open the record you want to remove and select Delete Record from the Action menu.
  • Refresh the online save file screen each time you delete records from the title list.
Set or change My Status or workflow status Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:
  1. Navigate to Action > Set Status or press <Alt><Shift><S>.
  2. Enter a custom status in the Enter My Status text field (40 characters maximum).
  3. In the Workflow Status list, click to change the status (default: In Process).
  4. (Optional) Select the Save Record check box to also save the record when the client sets your selected status.
  5. Click OK or press <Enter>.

See Set a default My Status for more information.
Edit saved record Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
With an online or local save file record open, edit the record.

You can use all Edit menu commands.

Exception: For local save file records, you must be logged on to use:
  • All commands on the submenu for Control Headings
  • All commands on the submenu for applying online constant data

See Edit bibliographic records for more about editing.
Apply default constant data Online save file
Local save file (apply default online constant data only when logged on)
With an online or local save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:

Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><A>.
Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><Y>.

See Apply constant data for more information.
Apply constant data
by name
Online save file
Local save file (apply online constant data only when logged on)
With an online or local save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:
  1. Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply by Name or press <Ctrl><U>.
    Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply by Name or press <Alt><E><D><L><N>.
  2. In the Apply Constant Data Record window, enter the name of the constant data record you want to apply.
  3. Select MARC fields to apply
    • Fixed
    • Variable
    • Both
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>.

See Apply constant data for more information.

Apply constant data
from a list
Online save file
Local save file
(apply online constant data only when logged on)
With an online or local save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:
  1. Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply by List or press <Alt><E><D><O><L>.
    Navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply by List or press <Alt><E><D><L><L>.
  2. In the Online (or Local) Bibliographic Constant Data list, select the constant data record you want to apply.
  3. Select MARC fields to apply
    • Fixed
    • Variable
    • Both
  4. Click Apply Selected.

See Apply constant data for more information.

Export saved record Online save file
Local save file (logged on or offline)
With an online or local save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:

Navigate to Action > Export, click the Export button (Export button), or press <F5>. The record must have an OCLC control number.

 Caution: Unless you set an option to mark records for batch export in Tools > Options > Batch, records export immediately whether you are logged on or offline.

See Export bibliographic records for more information.
Lock WorldCat Record Online save file With an online save file record open:

Navigate to Action > Lock WorldCat Record or press <Alt><F8>. Unavailable for records selected in a list.

 Caution: The system automatically deletes both workforms and existing records from the online save file when you lock, edit, replace, and close a record. You must resave before closing to keep the record.

See Replace WorldCat bibliographic records for more information.
Update Holdings Online save file
Local save file (logged on or mark for batch if offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in a local save file list (if offline, marks for batch processing) (command is unavailable for multiple records selected in the online save file):

Navigate to Action > Update Holdings, click the Update Holdings button (Export button), or press <F8>.

 Note: You can set an option to disable Update commands when you display records your library holds in Tools > Options > General.

 Caution: The system automatically deletes both workforms and existing records from the online save file when you update holdings and close a record. You must resave before closing to keep the record.

Produce Online save file
Local save file (logged on or mark for batch if offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in a local save file list (if offline, marks for batch processing) (command is unavailable for multiple records selected in the online save file):

Navigate to Action > Produce and Update Holdings, press the Produce and Update Holdings button (Produce and Update Holdings button), or press <Shift><F7>.

 Note: You can set an option to disable the Produce command when you display records your library holds in Tools > Options > General.

 Caution: The system automatically deletes both workforms and existing records from the online save file when you produce and then close a record. You must resave before closing to keep the record.

Delete Holdings Online save file
Local save file (logged on or mark for batch if offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in a local save file list (if offline, marks for batch processing) (command is unavailable for multiple records selected in the online save file):

Navigate to Action > Delete Holdings, click the Delete Holdings button (Delete Holdings button), or press <Shift><F8>.

Requirement: You must select the option to delete LHRs in Tools > Options > Batch to be able to batch delete holdings.
Replace (both Replace commands) Online save file
Local save file (logged on or mark for batch if offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in a local save file list (if offline, marks for batch processing) (command is unavailable for multiple records selected in the online save file):

Navigate to Action > Replace Record or press <Ctrl><Alt><F10>.
Navigate to Action > Replace and Update Holdings or press <Ctrl><Alt><F11>.

 Note: If you do not lock the WorldCat record before replacing, the system locks it automatically.

 Caution: The system automatically deletes both workforms and existing records from the online save file when you replace and then close a record. You must resave before closing to keep the record.

Submit for Review Online save file
Local save file (logged on or mark for batch if offline)
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:

Action > Submit for Review or press <Alt><F8>.

See Exchange records with other libraries for peer review for more information.
Validate Online save file
Local save file
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:

Navigate to Edit > Validate, click the Validate button (Validate button), or press <Shift><F5>.

See Edit bibliographic records for more information.
Save Record to Online [or Local] Save File Online save file
Local save file
With a save file record open, or with records selected in an online or local save file list:

Navigate to Action > Save Record to Online Save File, click the Save Record to Online Save File button (Save Record to Online Save File button), or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>.
Navigate to Action > Save Record to Local Save File, click the Save Record to Local Save File button (Save Record to Local Save File button), or press <F4>.

 Note: For records selected in a local save file list, the Save Record to Local Save File command is unavailable (not needed).

Copy Record
Move Record
Local save file only (logged on or offline) With a local save file record open, or with records selected on a local save file list:

Navigate to Action > Copy Record or press <Alt><A><Y>.
Navigate to Action > Move Record or press <Alt><A><V>.

See Manage local files for online/offline cataloging for more information.
Actions available for batch processing
When you are logged off and you take the following actions on single records or records selected in a local save file list, the client marks the records for batch processing:
  • Update Holdings
  • Delete Holdings
  • Produce and Update Holdings
  • Replace Record
  • Submit for Review
Batch label print and batch export: When you are logged on or off and you print labels or export records, the label printing and export take place immediately. You must set the Perform local actions in batch option for Record Export and Label Printing in Tools > Options > Batch to mark records for batch label printing and/or batch export.