Local bibliographic save file indexes and examples

Find local bibliographic save file indexes available in Connexion client.

Local bibliographic save file indexes

Index Source of information indexed/
Where displayed
Search format and example
Save File Number (sn) Unique number the system assigns when you save a record (maximum of 9,999 records; numbering starts with 1)

Appears in the Save # column of the search results list and in the information area at the top of the record
Enter the number.

Example: To search for the record with save file number 105, enter 105.
OCLC Control Number (rn) OCLC control number assigned by the system when a record is added to WorldCat

MARC fields/subfields:
001 a
019 a

Appears in the Control # column of the search results list
Enter the complete number.

Example: To search for 44332144, enter 44332144.
Title (ti) Word(s) in the title of the item

MARC field/subfields:
245 a b f g k n p
246 a b f g n p

Title in the 245 field appears in the Title column of the search results list
  • Enter one or more distinctive words from the title separated by spaces. A space is treated as an AND operator.
  • Combine words with OR to expand the search, or combine with NOT to narrow the search.

Example: To search for Mrs. Dalloway, enter mrs dalloway.

Name (nm) MARC fields (all subfields):

Name in 1XX appears in the Name column of the search results list
  • Enter one or more parts of the name. A space is treated as an AND operator.
  • Combine names with OR to expand the search, or combine with NOT to narrow the search.

Example: To search for Woolf, Virginia, enter woolf virginia.

Date Fixed field Date 1 data

Appears in the Date column of the search results list
In the Date text field under Limit Search by, enter a date.

Example: To search for items with the date 1963, enter 1963.
Standard number (sn) MARC fields/subfields:
010 a b z
020 a z
022 a y z
028 a

Does not appear on the search results list
Enter a standard number.

Example: To search for ISBN
0701208821, enter 0701208821.
Holding Library Code (cd) MARC field/subfield:
049 a

Code in first subfield a appears in the Code column of the search results list
Enter a holding library code.

Example: To search for the holding library code for OCLC, enter OCLC.
My Status (ms) Custom status you entered (Action > Set Status) in free text (up to 40 characters)

Appears in the My Status column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record
Enter the My Status you assigned.

Example: To search for My Status
myname, enter myname.
Workflow Status You select from a system- supplied list

Appears in the Workflow column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record
In a Workflow Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
  • Completed
  • In Process
  • In Review
  • New
Action Status (as) Actions you take on a record and system-supplied outcomes

Appears in the Export, Label, Produce, Replace, Update Holdings, Validate, and Submit columns of the search results list and in the status bar of the record
In an Action Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
  • Delete Holdings - Completed
  • Delete Holdings - Failed
  • Delete Holdings - Ready
  • Delete Holdings - Not Set
  • Export - Completed
  • Export - Failed
  • Export - Ready
  • Export - Not Set
  • Label -Completed
  • Label - Failed
  • Label - Ready
  • Label - Not Set
  • Produce - Completed
  • Produce - Failed
  • Produce - Ready
  • Produce - Not Set
  • Replace - Completed
  • Replace - Failed
  • Replace - Ready
  • Replace - Not Set
  • Submit for Review - Completed
  • Submit for Review - Failed
  • Submit for Review - Ready
  • Submit for Review - Not Set
  • Update Holdings - Completed
  • Update Holdings - Failed
  • Update Holdings -Ready
  • Update Holdings - Not Set
  • Validate - Completed
  • Validate - Failed
  • Validate - Not Set
Source Status (ss) System-supplied status based on origin of a record

Appears in the Source column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record
In a Source Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
  • Derived
  • Extracted
  • Imported
  • OCLC
  • Workform
MARC Format (ft) Format assigned to the record

Appears in the Format column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record
In the Format list of the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
  • Any
  • Books
  • Computer Files
  • Continuing Resources*
  • Maps
  • Mixed Materials
  • Scores
  • Sound Recordings
  • Visual Materials

*Formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types.

Held (hl) Records your library holds
Records your library does not hold

Appears in the Held column of the search results list (shows Held or blank)
Find held records: Select the Held check box in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window.

Find records not held: Select the Not Held check box in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window
Library (lb) Records created by the following libraries*:
  • Library of Congress (DLC)
  • Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • Government Publishing Office (GPO)
  • National Agricultural Library (AGL)
  • British Library (UKM)
  • Library and Archives Canada (NLC)

(Shows symbol or, if not held by any of these libraries, blank)

Appears in the Library column of the search results list

Select a symbol in the Library list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window.


*Based on a hierarchy. The value for Library is based on whichever of the following libraries appears in a record, in this order:

Library Source of information / MARC fields/subfields
DLC Fixed field Srce (MARC 008/39) is c and none of 042 a's contain pcc
Any 042 a's contain lcd, lcderive, lccopycate, lccopycat-nm, lcode, lcnccp, lcvendcat, msc, premarc, lcad, lc, nsdp, nst 
040 c contains DLC
040 a contains DLC in any variation
PCC 042 a contains pcc
NLM 040 a or c contains nlm and nlm is the only data in the subfield
GPO 040 a or c contains gpo and gpo is the only data in the subfield
AGL 040 a or c contains agl and agl is the only data in the subfield
UKM 040 a or c contains ukm and ukm is the only data in the subfield
NLC 040 a or c contains nlc and nlc is the only data in the subfield


Stopwords: not indexed for online or local save files

The following words are not indexed for searching either the online or local bibliographic save file:

a, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, or, that, the, to, with, http, www

The client automatically removes these words from a search to make the search valid. You do not receive an error message if you include these words in a search.