Show bibliographic records by status

Discover how to search for bibliographic records by displaying the records by status in Connexion client.

Show bibliographic records by status

  1. Navigate to Cataloging > Show > By Online Save File Status or press <Ctrl><O>.
    Navigate to Cataloging > Show > By Local Save File Status or press <Alt><C><H><L>.

    The Status List displays statuses and, in parentheses, the number of records in the (online or local) save file that have a particular status.
  2. In the online or local status list, select check boxes next to statuses for records you want to view.
  3. (Optional) Click Check All to view all records, or click Clear All to cancel selections.
  4. Click Show Records or press <Enter> to view records with selected statuses.
    Click Cancel to close the window without viewing records.

Available online Status List statuses

Statuses you can select in the online Status List are:

Available local Status List statuses

Statuses you can select in the local Status List are:

 Note: The local file Status List also shows the total number of records in the file.