About SCIPIO records

Discover how to identify and work with a SCIPIO record in Connexion client.

About SCIPIO records in WorldCat

Identify a SCIPIO record

The system identifies only bibliographic records with the code scipio in field 042 ‡a as SCIPIO records.

 Caution: For SCIPIO record contributors:

Permissions and limitations for using SCIPIO records

Identify a SCIPIO record in a bibliographic record or list

View SCIPIO indicators
WorldCat bibliographic record Field 042 contains the code scipio.
WorldCat brief list Each brief entry shows the highlighted text SCIPIO.
WorldCat truncated list With Retrieve only SCIPIO records option selected:
  • Column 5 has the heading Date of Sale and contains the sale date from field 033. Dates appear in yyyy-mm-dd format. 
  • Entries are sorted by sale date, beginning with the most recent date. 
  • Column 6, labeled L (contributing library), contains the code S for SCIPIO. 
With SCIPIO-only option not selected:
  • Column 6, labeled L (contributing library), contains the code S for SCIPIO.

Unique characteristics of SCIPIO records

SCIPIO cataloging guidelines

See SCIPIO cataloging formats and standards for more information.