SCIPIO fixed field elements

Find the SCIPIO fixed field elements used for cataloging in Connexion client.

In the tables below, all values for fixed field elements listed as "system supplied" are automatically inserted by Connexion when you add or replace the record in WorldCat. They are listed here for information only.

For other, non-system supplied fixed field values, the table shows the most common values for SCIPIO records.

OCLC elements

Fixed field element Code Value
OCLC Control Number   (System supplied)
Entered   (System supplied)
Replaced   (System supplied)

MARC 21 leader elements

Fixed field element Code Value
Rec stat (05) n New (system supplied)
Type (06) a a = Printed language material
BLvl (07) m m = Monograph
Ctrl (08) < bl > No specified type of control
ELvl (17) K Minimal level
Desc (18) a AACR2

MARC 21 008 elements

Fixed field element Code Value
DtSt (06) s Single date
Dates (07-10, 11-14)   Enter the year the catalog was published. The second date is generally left blank.
Ctry (15-17)   See the MARC 21 Country Codes list.
Lang (35-37)   See the MARC 21 Language Codes list.
MRec (38) < bl > Record is not modified
Srce (39) d Other sources (i.e., no LC, etc.)
Ills (18-21) < bl >

Not illustrated
Audn (22) < bl > Unknown or not specified
Form (23) < bl >
None of the following (i.e., print original):
Regular print reproduction

See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for other codes.
Cont (24-27) c Catalogs
GPub (28) < bl > Not a government publication
Conf (29) 0 Not a conference publication
Fest (30) 0 Not a festschrift
Indx (31) 0

No index
Index present
LitF (33) 0 Not fiction
Biog (34) < bl > Not biography