About guided entry for bibliographic records

Find an overview of guided entry for bibliographic records in Connexion client.


No minimum authorization level is required to use guided entry to add 006, 541, or 583 fields.

Use guided entry

Create a field 006, 541, or 583

  1. Click Edit > Guided Entry.
  2. Click the field you want to create.
    • 006 (then select a MARC format)
    • 541
    • 583


Press default keystroke shortcuts:

  • Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Books, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><B>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Computer Files, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><P>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Continuing Resources, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><L>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Maps, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><M>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Mixed Materials, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><I>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Scores, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><C>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Sound Recordings, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><R>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 006 > Visual Materials, press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><V>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 541, press <Alt><E><G><4>.
  • For Edit > Guided Entry > 583, press <Alt><E><G><8>.

Edit a field 006, 541, or 583

  • Place the cursor in the 006, 541, or 583 field you want to edit.
  • Click Edit > Guided Entry > Edit or press <Ctrl><Shift><X>.
  • Right-click in the field and click Edit with Guided Entry on the pop-up menu.
     Note: If the cursor is in a field other than the 006, 541, or 583 field, you get an error message.

 Note: Guided entry for an existing field always shows your most current data.

For example, when you use guided entry to create or edit a field and click OK, all new content, editing changes, and order or re-order of subfields are transferred to the field in the record. If you make additional changes to the field in the record itself and then re-open guided entry for that field, the changes you made in the record are retained in the guided field window.