Add a bibliographic record to WorldCat, save to online or local file, or submit for peer review
Discover how to add a bibliographic record to WorldCat, save to an online or local file, and submit for peer review in Connexion client.
After creating a record, you can add it to WorldCat or save it for further editing or for peer review.
Caution: If you are online and log off without adding the new record to WorldCat or saving it, your record is lost.
Add a record to WorldCat
- Prevent duplicate records - Search WorldCat again, immediately before adding a record, to verify that no one has added a record for the item since you began cataloging it.
- If no record exists, validate and then add the record to WorldCat - On the Action menu, perform one of the following actions:
- Click Update Holdings, click the Update Holdings button (), or press <F8>. This action sets your library's holdings on the record when it is added to WorldCat.
- Click Produce and Update Holdings, click the Produce and Update Holdings button (), or press <Shift><F7>. This action sets your holdings and also produces accessions lists offline.
- Connexion validates the record. If the system reports validation errors, correct them and retry adding the record.
- When the record is valid, Connexion adds it to WorldCat, sets your holdings, and assigns an OCLC control number.
- Your copy of the record is displayed. Local data fields you added to the record are retained in your copy.
- You can validate the record and correct any validation errors as a separate action, but the system validates a record automatically before performing a final action on it.
- If you want to do one of these actions immediately on a record in a local file, you must be logged on. If you take an action while offline, the record is marked for batch processing.
Save a record you create
- (Optional) Before saving, assign a My Status and/or workflow status - Navigate to Action > Set Status or press <Alt><Shift><S>. The status(es) you assign appear in the status bar at the bottom of the record.
- Navigate to Action > Save Record Online or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>.
Click Save Record to Local File or press <F4>.
See Save bibliographic records for more information.
See Exchange records for peer review for procedures for submitting records for review or reviewing records with your peers at other libraries.