About creating bibliographic records

Find an overview of creating bibliographic records in Connexion client.

About original cataloging in WorldCat

How to create records

Create original records using one of the following methods:

Create records for the following MARC formats:

 Note: To change the MARC format of the record at any time, select a format from the drop-down list at the top of the fixed field. The list is available only when you have the fixed field display option set to Top or Bottom (View > OCLC Fixed Field).

Alternative: Set an option to use RDA-based workforms to create bibliographic records instead of using the default workforms based on AACR2 in Tools > Options > RDA.

No minimum authorization level is required to create records.

Online or offline cataloging

Create original records online or offline. To create a bibliographic record from a workform when you are logged off, you must define a holding library code and institution symbol for fields 040 and 049. When you create a bibliographic record from a workform while you are logged on, the client uses the holding library code and institution symbol associated with your logon authorization.

Non-Latin scripts

The Connexion client supports using these non-Latin scripts for cataloging: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Syriac, Tamil, and Thai.

See Work with international records for more information.