Manage local files

Discover how to manage local files for batch processing in Connexion client.


You use local save files on your workstation or on a shared drive for offline cataloging and for batch processing. This section covers the highlights of managing local save files for batch processing. The client provides other types of local files and many other functions for local file management than is covered here. See Manage local files for more details.

Default local save files

At installation, the client supplies one default local save file for bibliographic records and one for authority records.

Click File > Local File Manager to open the Local File Manager window and work with your local files, including:

Local files are stored in X:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\OCLC\ Connex\Db (where X represents the letter of your hard drive), unless you change the location.

Use the Local File Manager

Click File > Local File Manager to work with your local files, including: