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How to build a controlled heading in the Control Headings window

Discover how to build a controlled heading in the Control Headings window in Connexion client.

The following procedure is based on entering a heading that the system does not control.


  • To simply see what the Control Headings window looks like, you can try the example procedure below. 
  • Uncontrol a controlled heading, introduce a typographical error, and then click Edit > Control Headings > Single. The Control Headings window opens. Click Cancel to close the Control Headings window, and then re-control the heading.
  1. Open a bibliographic record.
  2. (Optional) Click Action > Lock WorldCat Record or press <Alt><F8> to lock the WorldCat record if you are in WorldCat.
  3. Locate the cursor in an uncontrolled subject heading field, and click Edit > Control Headings > Single or press <F11>.

     Note: If you are not logged on, the Logon windows opens. You must be logged on. 

    Example of a heading that the system does not control: 650 _0 Teacher educators ‡v Congresses ‡z Texas

    In this heading, because the geographic subdivision (‡z) is incorrectly positioned, the Control Headings window opens.

    A fully controlled appropriate heading is included as a candidate in the list of possible headings: Teacher educators ‡z Glen Canyon (Utah and Ariz.) ‡v Congresses [650 Fully- controlled]
    • The geographic subdivision is correctly placed (after ‡a Teacher educators).
    • The main entry, Teacher educators, is highlighted in aqua to indicate that it can be subdivided geographically. See the legend at the top of the Control Headings window.
    • The heading is fully controlled to three separate authority records.

    • Click any linked heading in the Control Headings window to display the authority record in a separate window.
    • Hover the mouse over a heading to see the LCCN for the authority record.
  4. At any time:
    • Click Cancel to cancel heading control.
    • If you have taken action in the Control Headings window, click Undo to undo your last action, if needed.
  5. Click Insert Heading next to the fully controlled heading.
    • The Control Heading window closes automatically.
    • The system inserts the new controlled heading in the bibliographic record and hyperlinks the heading to the exactly matched authority records.
  6. When finished:
    • For a new record:
      1. Click Action > Holdings > Update Holdings [or Produce and Update Holdings or Alternate Produce and Update] to add the record to WorldCat.
    • For an existing record:
      1. Click Action > Replace Record [or Replace and Update Holdings] to replace the WorldCat record in WorldCat.

    • If you did not lock the WorldCat record (see step 2), the system automatically locks the record before replacing it.
    • You must be logged on with at least a full level cataloging authorization to add a new record or replace a WorldCat record.

Click the Help button in the lower-right corner of the window to see a detailed description and instructions for using the Control Headings window.