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Add or replace record to retain newly controlled headings

Discover how to add or replace record to retain newly controlled headings in Connexion client.

You must add a new record or replace an existing WorldCat record to retain newly controlled headings. To add or replace records in WorldCat, you must have a Full level cataloging authorization or higher.

 Note: With a Limited authorization, you can create a new record or lock an existing WorldCat record, control heading(s), and then save the record for review and completion. You cannot add the new record or replace the existing record in WorldCat.

If you have a Full or higher-level authorization, you can make additions and changes, including controlling headings, to almost all fields in almost all records, with a few exceptions. You cannot replace the following record types:

  • PCC records, including BIBCO and CONSER records (identified by one or more of these field 045 authentication codes: isds/c, lc, lcd, msc, nlc, nsdp, nst, pcc). You can replace Library of Congress records that are not coded as PCC.
  • CIP records coded as PCC. You can replace CIP records that are not coded as PCC (with Encoding level of 8), but the Encoding level must remain 8.
  • Records with Encoding level of E.