Control a single authority heading

Discover how to control a single authority heading in Connexion client.


  1. Open a bibliographic record or create a new record.
  2. (Optional) If you are in WorldCat, you can lock the WorldCat record, click Action > Lock WorldCat Record or press <Alt><F8>.
  3. Move the cursor to an existing field for which authority control is available:
    Add a field of the type you want. 
    When you are finished creating or editing the field, leave the cursor in the new field.
  1. Once a controlled heading is inserted in the bibliographic record, to retain it in the record:
    • For a workform:
      1. Navigate to Action > Holdings > Update Holdings [or Produce and Update Holdings or Alternate Produce and Update] to add the record to WorldCat.
    • For an existing record:
      1. Navigate to Action > Replace Record or Replace and Update Holdings to replace the WorldCat record.
    • If you did not lock the WorldCat record (see step 3), the system automatically locks the record before replacing it.
    • You must be logged on with at least a full level cataloging authorization to add a new record or replace a WorldCat record. See Add or replace record to retain newly controlled headings for more details.