About authority constant data records

Find an overview of authority constant data records in Connexion client.


Using the Connexion client, you can create authority constant data online or create constant data in one or more local files located on your workstation or moved to a shared network drive. The client provides a blank default local constant data file (DefaultAuthCD.authcd.db). See Manage local files for more about local files, their locations, and how to share them.

Why create constant data records?

Using constant data is a way to apply frequently used information to records. You add the same data to authority records to:

What is authority constant data?

A constant data record is a partial bibliographic or authority record you create that contains standardized content for reuse when you create or edit a record.

Online constant data

  • Users at the same institution (same OCLC symbol) share an online constant data file to store all constant data records you create online.
  • There is only one online constant data file. It is accessed by both Connexion interfaces, the browser and the client.
  • Anyone at your institution can add constant data records to this file, edit them, use a stored record as default constant data, or delete records.
  • Your library's constant data records are not shared with Connexion users at any other institution.
  • When you set a constant data record as the default, it is associated with your logon authorization. Staff sharing the authorization also share the default constant data.

Local constant data

  • The local authority constant data file is located on your workstation or can be located on a network drive for shared access.
  • You can use the local files to create, store, and apply authority constant data offline or to apply to online records when logged on.
  • The Connexion client automatically creates a default local authority constant data file when you install the software. The path and file name is: X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\ Connex\Db\DefaultAuthCD.authcd.db (where X is the letter of your hard drive)
  • Create multiple local authority constant data files on your workstation or on a shared drive for special tasks or for use by individual staff members. Designate or change the default. Move or copy records from one local file to another.
  • You cannot delete your designated default local constant data record.
  • When you set a local constant data record as the default, it is stored in the local file. You can store one default local constant data record per local file. To use a particular default local constant data record, the file that contains it must be set as the default local file.

See Manage local files for more about working with local constant data files.

 Note: The maximum number of records in an online or local save file: 9,999. The system prevents you from adding records that would exceed the limit.

About creating constant data

About applying constant data to authority records

Caution for online constant data only

When you create a constant data record, you are required to give it a unique name. When you name online constant data records or assign an optional My Status, avoid using punctuation, special characters, and diacritics. These characters can cause errors when you retrieve, save, apply, delete, or take other actions on the records.

Do not use the following characters in online constant data names or optional My Statuses:

To be sure that online constant data records are problem-free, use only standard letters (upper- and lowercase) and numbers in names and My Statuses.

This restriction for constant data names and My Statuses does not apply to local constant data records.