About taking actions on authority records
Find an overview on taking actions on authority records in Connexion client.
- You can take OCLC actions on records in the Library of Congress (LC) authority file immediately while logged on or in batch mode (marking actions for records and then processing them online in a batch).
- You must be logged on to take immediate actions on records.
- To mark records for batch processing, you must save the records in the authority local file and take the actions while offline. The client automatically marks the actions for batch processing when you use the action commands.
- Exception: Record export occurs immediately when you do take the action offline unless you set an option to do the action in batch in Tools > Options > Batch.
- Tip: If you use batch processing and do not want to take actions immediately by mistake, you can set an option to receive a warning/confirmation message before the client carries out any immediate online action (navigate to Tools > Options > General).
- Availability of some actions depends on whether or not the record is in the online or local save file.
- Availability of actions is also determined by your authorization level (e.g., only NACO- authorized libraries can add new records or replace WorldCat records).
- Some actions are unavailable for new records (e.g., export).
- Most actions are available for a single open record or for record entries selected in a list.