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Review authority records sent to you for peer review

Discover what actions the reviewer and the person who submitted the record for review can take in Connexion client.

Review record results list


  • For distinguishing exclusive window types that stay open without pinning when you have multiple windows open, the client includes a review record list as another online save file results list. If you do another search of the online save file, the search results list for review records closes.
  • For more about working with lists, see Record lists.

Bibliographic review records

If your search for review records retrieves more than one record, the results list for bibliographic records is similar to any online bibliographic save file list. Columns show the following information for each record:

  • Save # (assigned by system)
  • Title
  • Modified (date the record was last modified)
  • Expires (number of days before record expires)
  • Workflow (status the system asks that you select when you save a record, or it assigns the default In Process)
  • Source (status the system assigns based on the source of the record)
  • Action statuses:
    • Delete Holdings (Complete=C or F=Failed)
    • Export (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
    • Label (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
    • Produce (Complete=C or F=Failed)
    • Replace (Complete=C or F=Failed)
    • Update Holdings (Complete=C or F=Failed)
    • Validate (Complete=C or F=Failed)
  • My Status (free-text note or identifier you enter)
  • Review (shows Submitted status for records sent to your library for review)
  • Reviewing Institutions (shows institution symbol for the institution that sent the record to your library for review)

 Note: The system sorts the list first by owning institution and then by title (for bibliographic records) or by main entry (for authority records).

Authority review records

Columns show the following information for each record:

  • Save # (assigned by system)
  • Main Entry
  • Expires (number of days till the record expires and the system deletes it unless you resave)
  • Workflow (status the system asks that you select when you save a record, or it assigns the default In Process)
  • Review (shows Submitted status for records sent to your library for review)
  • Reviewing Institutions (shows institution symbol for the institution that sent the record to your library for review)

 Note: The system sorts the list alphabetically by main entry.

Actions on review records

While a record is in review:

  • The reviewer can view the record only (cannot edit or take any actions).
  • The person who submitted the record can act on the record even while the reviewer views it. He or she can:
    • Recall a submitted record or delete it from the save file any time. If the reviewer is displaying the record when it is recalled or deleted, the record remains open, but once the reviewer closes it, it can no longer be retrieved.
    • Edit the record at the same time the reviewer views it. This capability can help speed completion of the review process if combined with simultaneous interactive communication between the record "owner" and the reviewer (for example, by telephone).

Manage review comments and responses

  • Connexion does not handle communication between reviewer and the originator who submitted the record for review.
  • Review participants can use any method to exchange status information, review comments, follow-up questions, and proposed revisions.
  • Interactive review and revision - The person who submitted the record can retrieve it and edit it while a reviewer is viewing that record. Both people can discuss changes by phone while both view the record. When the person who submitted the record completes the edits and resaves it, the reviewer can close the record and reopen it to see the revisions (does not have to search for the record again).

Complete the review process

The person who submitted the record for review can:

  • Use the interactive review and revision process given in the last bullet point above.
    Once the reviewer has responded, retrieve the record from the online save file and revise it as needed.
  • Depending on the review procedure you have set up, take the next appropriate step. For example:
    • Take a final action on the record if it is completed.
    • Resubmit the revised record for further review.
    • Delete the record from the save file.