View or recall authority records you submitted interactively

Discover how to view or recall records you submitted interactively in Connexion client.

You can either search the online save file for submitted records or show records by online save file status Submitted.

  1. Navigate to Cataloging > Search > Online Save File or press <Ctrl><F3>.
    Navigate to Authorities > Search > Online Save File or press <Alt><F3>.
  2. In the Search Bibliographic Save File window, select the Submitted for Review check box. Leave all other search criteria blank.
  3. Click OK or press <Enter> to retrieve a list of records you submitted for review.
    Click Cancel to close the window without retrieving the records.
  4. (Optional, if you do not cancel) To recall a record you submitted, click Action > Recall Submitted Record or press <Alt><A><M> to open the record you want to recall from the results list if necessary.
    • Removes the Review status Submitted from the record.
    • For a locked WorldCat record, retains any lock on the record in WorldCat or the LC authority file.
    • Automatically resaves the record to the online bibliographic save file or the online authority save file.
    • The record remains open.
    • You can resubmit the record for review any time.