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About exchanging authority records for peer review

Find an overview on how to exchange records for peer review using Connexion client.


Why send records for review?

  • You may be required to submit work for review because you are a newly authorized participant in a cooperative cataloging program.
  • Although not required to submit work for review, you have questions about a record you created.

Who can submit records for review?

Catalogers who log on to Connexion using a Limited or higher authorization can submit records for review and review records submitted to their libraries.

What records can be reviewed?

You can exchange the following records for review: authority and bibliographic workforms or records from:

  • WorldCat
  • LC authority file
  • Online bibliographic and authority save files
  • Local bibliographic and authority save files

Review workflow summary

Review procedures, selection of reviewers, record quality standards applied, and other details depend on the program, institution, project, or other arrangements you or your library have established independently of Connexion.

Connexion provides a way to manage the records. You provide the communication using the best method for you.

The following steps are a high-level summary of record review workflow and distinguish the steps you can do via Connexion.

Send a record for review

  1. Establish appropriate reviewers for records you want to submit.
  2. Via Connexion, prepare record or workform for review (see more about editing bibliographic or authority records or creating bibliographic or authority records).
  3. Via Connexion, send a record for review (interactively or via batch processing) to one or more libraries you specify by OCLC institution symbol.
  4. Notify reviewer(s) that a record is available for review. Use e-mail, telephone, or any other convenient method.
  5. Via Connexion, view or recall records any time that you submitted for review.

Review a record submitted to your library

  1. Via Connexion, retrieve record(s) to be reviewed.
  2. Respond with review comments and corrections to the person who submitted the record. Use email, telephone, fax, postal mail, Web-based conferences, or any other convenient method.

Complete the process

  1. Via Connexion, the person who submitted for review retrieves the record and makes needed changes.
  2. Via Connexion, that person can resubmit the record for review and approval, if needed, or take an action to complete the record.