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Option to check WorldCat record before processing actions

Discover how to select the option to check a WorldCat record before processing actions in Connexion client.

Select this option in the Process Batch window to have the client check the Replaced date of the WorldCat record against the local file record before batch- processing the action you marked.

  • With this option selected: If the date in the WorldCat record is more recent than the date in the local file record, the action on the local file record fails, and the client downloads the newer record to the local file.
  • With this option deselected: The client processes your local file records as they are and does not check whether a newer record is available.
  • Whether you have this option selected or not: The client always checks the Replaced date of the WorldCat record against the Replaced date of the local record when you process Replace on a record. If the date in the WorldCat record is more recent, the replace action fails.