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OCLC Support

Open authority history records from a distributed record

Discover how to open authority history records from a distributed record in Connexion client.

 Note: LC authority records that NACO participants have added or modified in the LC authority file go into a distribution cycle (with a NACO lock on them). While in the distribution cycle and until they are distributed by the Library of Congress, the records display the label In Distribution in the information area at the top of the record. Only distributed records display this label. Authority history records do not.

Open an authority history record from a distributed record

With an LC authority record open, retrieve LC authority history record(s) that have the same ARN:

  • Navigate to Authorities > Show > LC Superseded Versions or press <Alt><U><H><P>.
    • When a single record is located, the record displays in a separate, unique authority history record window.
      • The LC authority history file contains an exact copy of each distributed LC authority record sent from LC via the distribution cycle. Therefore, you always retrieve at least one authority history record.
      • Because retrieval is based on matching ARNs, if you research merging of records, you may need to re-search the LC authority file for the LCCN.
    • When multiple records are located, a brief list displays.

See Results of search or browse for more details.

Open a distributed authority record from an authority history record

When you search or browse the LC authority history file and have an LC authority history record displayed, retrieve the LC distributed authority record that has the same ARN:

  • Navigate to Authorities > Show > LC Distributed Version or press <Alt><U><H><V>.
    • If available, the distributed LC authority record displays in a separate window.
    • If no distributed authority record is retrieved, you receive a message that the record may have been deleted from the LC authority file. The message also gives the number of authority history records available for that ARN.

See Results of search or browse for more details.

Notes on the accessibility of authority history records

  • Accessible from the LC distributed authority record that opens when you click a 5XX link in an authority history search results list.
  • Not accessible from LC distributed authority records saved and displayed in the online or local save file.
  • Not accessible in the Control Headings window.
  • Not accessible by clicking a See Also 5XX link in an authority history search results list. Clicking the link in an authority history record always displays the distributed authority record.