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OCLC Support

Download records from the authority online save file

Discover how to download records from the authority online save file in Connexion client.

In addition to batch searching for LC authority file records, you can also retrieve records from the online authority save file using the same dialog:

  1. In the Enter Authority Search Keys dialog, select the Retrieve all records from online save file check box.
  2. (Optional) Under Limit by Review Status, select one of the following check boxes to retrieve only records you submitted for review to colleagues in other libraries or to retrieve only records you did not submit for review:
    • Non-Submitted
    • Submitted
  3. (Optional) Select the Delete downloaded records from online save file check box if desired. If a record you download is locked:
    • With this option deselected: The WorldCat record lock is retained in the online save file.
    • With this option selection: The WorldCat record lock is released.
  4. Click Save and then click Close when finished.
  5. When ready, run batch processing.