Find imported authority records

Discover how to find imported authority records in Connexion client.

You can find imported authority records in two ways:

Retrieve imported records by showing online save file status

  1. Navigate to Cataloging > Show > By Online Save File Status or press <Ctrl><Shift><S>.
    Navigate to Cataloging > Show > By Local Save File Status or press <Alt><U><H><L>.
  2. In the Status List dialog under Workflow Status, select the Imported check box.
  3. Click Show Records.

Retrieve imported records by searching the online save file

  1. Navigate to Authorities > Search > Online Save File or press <Alt><F3>.
    Navigate to Authorities > Search > Local Save File or press <Shift><F3>.
  2. In the Search Online [or Local] Authority Save File dialog, leave the Search for fields and index lists empty.
  3. Select Workflow in a status list and click Imported in the adjacent list of workflow statuses.
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>.